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Canalys: Energy Will Shape EMEA Data Centers

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Rising energy requirements will shape the future of data centers in EMEA over the next 10 years, Canalys reports-- with rising power costs determining data center locations for vendors, service providers and customers. 

Data CentersThe analyst estimates the current combined base of server closets, server rooms and small, medium-sized and large data centers accounts for 1% of energy consumption and 5% of commercial electricity use across EMEA-- and predicts electricity use will jump by 15% by 2016. 

Driving power demand are large data centers, with a predicted 40% rise in consumption over the same period. 

Thus companies building and using data centers will hunt down opportunities for lower-cost, more dependable and greener energy supplies-- at least if legal issues regarding data movement allow it. 

The analyst lists Norway, Switzerland, France, Sweden and Denmark as the top 5 countries with the necessary energy foundation for the large data centers of the future. Countries failing to meet such energy demands are Greece, Italy, Portugal and Hungary. 

‘The issue of energy risk and its impact on data center operations will get worse before it gets better, as consumption increases at a faster rate than production, especially from renewable resources," Canalys concludes. 

Go Energy Risk and Cost Will Shape Data Center Landscape (Canalys)