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MPEG Industry Forum Declares Victory…and Closes

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“We have declared victory and the activities of the MPEG Industry Forum are now being wound up,” says the MPEG Industry Forum. By the end of this month all remaining assets will be put into the hands of the Open IPTV Forum.

The MPEG Industry Forum began in June 2000), a time of great fragmentation in the industry. As silicon continued to advance, alternatives to MPEG-2 emerged in many forms.

Their task at the Forum was to educate and evangelize an emerging standards based solution that became known as MPEG-4 Part 10, aka AVC, aka H.264.

Their efforts were in many directions including many informational events - the MPEG IF Master Class series - and, crucially, a series of important interoperability test rounds combined with some very active tech-lists (now to be closed, July 1st).

Slowly but surely H.264 gained mind share and then market share and today is clearly the dominant codec of choice replacing MPEG-2 around the world. Hence, their declaration of victory coincides with the lack of further reason to promulgate the MPEG Industry Forum.

Go Open IPTV Forum where you can access these