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Gartner: "Stable" Outlook for WW IT Spending

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As the market outlook stabilises despite the eurozone crisis and slow economic recovery, Gartner predicts global IT spending will reach $3.6 trillion with 3% Y-o-Y growth.

"There has been little change in either business confidence or consumer sentiment... the short-term outlook is for continued caution in IT spending," Gartner remarks.  

IT Spending

The latest Q2 2012 forecast also shows slight improvement over the Q1 projection of 2.5% growth from the analyst. 

The market has some "bright spots"-- enterprise spending on public cloud services should reach $109 billion in 2012, before growing to $207bn. When it comes to the cloud, business process as a service (BPaaS) accounts for the majority of spending but other areas (PaaS, SaaS, IaaS) are growing faster. 

WW IT services spending is set to grow by 2.3% Y-o-Y in 2012, reaching $864bn thanks to high demand for consulting services. Gartner says consulting is becoming increasingly technology-based through the rise of analytics and big data.

The biggest IT spending market is telecom services, coming from both net connections (in emerging markets) and the uptake of multiple connected devices (mature markets). 

Go Gartner WW IT Spending Forecast Q2 2012 Update