IT Investment Will Continue Further at Slower Pace


Gartner revises its WW enterprise IT spending forecast for 2012-- from predicting 5.9% Y-o-Y growth over 2011, the analyst says IT spending will reach $2.7 trillion with 3.9% Y-o-Y growth. 

ITSpending for 2011 should reach projections of $2.6TR. 

“The days when IT was the passive observer of the world are over. Global politics and the global economy are being shaped by IT,” Gartner says-- with 350 companies investing more than $1 billion each in IT.

The analyst says over 66% of CEOs believe IT will contribute more to their respective industries in the next 10 years than any previous decade, with the cloud, social, mobility and the information explosion fueling a new era of "post-modern business."

Gartner believes the shift from "traditional" IT acquisition models to the public cloud is still in "the very early stages," as it estimates only 3% of total 2010 enterprise IT spending ($74 billion) went towards public cloud services. 

However forecasts say public cloud services will grow 5 times faster than over IT enterprise spending-- reaching a CAGR of 19% through 2015.

Meanwhile 1.2 billion persons (20% of the world's population) is on social networks, ushering the next mass-customer, mass-citizen and mass-employee stage in social computing within enterprise systems. 

When it comes to mobile, Gartner simply says "it has already happened"-- the 2010 installed mobile PC and smartphone user base exceeds that of desktop PCs. The installed user base of devices using mobile operating systems (iOS, Android, Windows 8) will exceed the total PC-based system user base by 2014, before tablet numbers will reach 900M in 2016.

Such radical change will force IT to re-imagine the way it provides applications, with 60% of IT organisations having private app stores. 

“Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine,” Gartner says-- with multiple systems (covering content management, data warehouses, data marts and specialised file systems) becoming the "logical" evolution of the extinct enterprise data warehouse concept. 

Gartner concludes such forces will create the post-modern business, driving simplicity and creative destruction-- and "will make architectures of the last 20 years obsolete." 

Go Gartner Says Worldwide Enterprise IT Spending to Reach $2.7 Trillion in 2012