NoviSign Combines Digital Signage With Hand Sanitser


NoviSign launches a specially-designed line of freestanding and wall-mountable digital signage kiosks with an internal auto-dispenser providing 99.99% germ-killing sanitiser gel.


The kiosks support gel, foam or liquid sanitiser, and feature a metal enclosing and an integrated commercial-grade 21.5-inch digital sign managed via NoviSign cloud-based digital signage software. Connectivity comes through wifi, hardwire or 3/4G, and an Android media player comes built-in. The display comes in either touch or non-touch versions.

Changing content simply requires a PC and connection of the digital sign to the internet. The NovSign cloud-based digital signage software allows anyone to create, edit and manage content, with full control using either templates or building content from scratch. Users can also insert live RSS feeds, media slideshows, weather forecasts, custom scrolling tickers, HD images and social media feeds via drag-and-drop widgets.

According to NoviSign, hand sanitiser kiosks are the next step for keeping the public safe. As an all-in-one solution for getting a message seen, the kiosks kill bacteria while better reaching the audience with targeted messages.

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