A Second Version from Bitrix


Bitrix Bitrix announces the second version of its Virtual Appliance-- a free dedicated, ready-to-use solution for running social collaboration and e-commerce applications in VMware, Microsoft Hyper-V, Parallels Virtuozzo and Amazon EC2. 

The appliance allows the installation of Bitrix's Intranet and Site Manager on the same physical server-- sharing it with applications like e-mail, proxy and CRM. 

It is also compatible with free virtualisation tools (such as VMware Player) and is usable for 3rd party PHP applications. 

When coupled with Bitrix's PRO+PRO security framework, the appliance provides a highly-secured sandbox for virtualised applications. 

The company says the availablility of ready-to-use virtualised solutions should encourage SMBs to switch their IT infrastructures to a virtual environment. 

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