Social Networking to Replace E-Mail, Says Gartner


20% of employees could be using social networks as their business communications' hub instead of email by 2014, Gartner reports. 

facebook emailWhile microblogging already takes part in enterprise communications, business communications are still evolving.

Newer employees entering the workforce will communicate via social networks in paralell to their business e-mail use. This will lead to eventual change in workplace culture.

The rigid disctinction between e-mail and social networks will thus erode-- e-mail will take on more social attributes (like contact brokering) while social networks will develop richer e-mail capabilities. 

Collaboration will also move to the cloud, with steep growth rates of premises and cloud-based social networking services. 

Gartner predicts 10% of e-mail accounts will be on cloud services. 

From a vendor's perspective, the market consolidates around Microsoft and RIM. The 2 market leaders will own 80% of the enterprise wireless email software market, Gartner forecasts. (That dominance did not discourage Gartner from writing a research report telling corporations to embrace the iPAD.)

Meanwhile, Facebook may unveil "Project Titan" on its Monday special event-- a web-based email client known internally as the "Gmail killer."

This explains the Google/Facebook fight over contact information and reports of Google's desperate attempts to keep employees from moving to the likes of Facebook (dangling carrots like increased wages across-the-board and share options). 

Go Gartner Says Social-Networking Services to Replace E-Mail for 20% of Business Users by 2014

Go Facebook's Project Titan Coming on Monday?