A Private Cloud as a Service


CSCCSC BizCloud combines a private cloud privacy and control with a public cloud's agility and commercial model-- making it ideal for security-conscious organisations ojecting cloud adoption. 

The company's cloud datacenters carry CloudCompute (CSC's new IaaS architecture) to deliver compute, storage and network resources as a service to mission and business critical workloads. CSC's partner, VCE, provides the Vblock infrastructure platform to integrate virtualisation software, networking, security, computing, storage and management technologies from Cisco, EMC and VMware. 

CloudCompute comes in 3 packages-- Standard, Enterprise and Enterprise, with customers being able to pick and match packages (and x4 service tiers) as required. Thus it allows one to create their ideal cloud-- whether as a self managed or managed service, or a private, public or hybrid cloud. 

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