Cloud-Centric Disaster Recovery Hits Beta


The CloudEndure disaster recovery solution reaches public beta, allowing potential customers to test out the company's cloud-based real-time replication and recovery technology.

CloudEndureThe Israel-based startup claims CloudEndure makes downtime in the cloud nonexistant "for the first time ever," as it creates a fully functioning up-to-the-second copy of cloud-based applications on an alternate cloud location.

The application stack replica is complete with the latest storage, services and configuration data. Following initial sync the alternate region mirrors changes in real-time-- and during actual downtime a click on "Failover" replicates the entire application stack within the alternate region in minutes.

“Across all industries, businesses are experiencing downtime in the cloud, directly affecting their revenues and reputation,” the company continues. “CloudEndure’s continuous replication solution prevents the downtime threat by continuously copying data to a secondary location. At a time when 54% of organizations say they’ve experienced at least one unplanned outage in the last 3 months, having a disaster recovery solution in place is imperative.”

Go CloudEndure Eliminates Downtime in the Cloud