12.5Gbps “Swiss Army Knife” of Fiber Optic Transport


FiberplexA “Swiss Army Knife” of fiber optic transport, the FiberPlex TD-6010-- in conjunction with any SFP/SFP+ (Small Form- Factor Pluggable) optical & electrical modules--allows you to transport what you want, when you want it, how you want it, wherever you want it in one product solution...

This 12.5Gbps Flexible Interface SFP/SFP+ Throw Down Box facilitates the interface between virtually any fiber optic devices. You choose the SFP modules you need for your application- - the TD-6010 does the rest.

With the TD-6010, the possible applications include:

Functionally, a FOI-6010 version and the TD-6010 are identical. The only differences are the packaging and power supply. The FOI-6010 is part of the FOI line of products designed for ruggedized military applications while the TD-6010 is housed in the commercial ‘Throw Down’ packaging.

Go 12.5Gbps Flexible Interface SFP/SFP+ Throw Down Box