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Redefining Hollywood Collaboration with TelePresence

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Jerry Bruckheimer

Tell me you’ve never watched a single CSI TV show. Or seen the film Beverly Hills Cop or Pirates of the Caribbean or Top Gun?

Well, now you will have even more in common with the famous director of those movies and TV shows because Jerry Bruckheimer uses Cisco TelePresence as a way to redefine Hollywood collaboration.

He brought TelePresence on-set for his new film The Lone Ranger and used the AV technology to tie together collaboration with remote directors, editors and talent.

In Bruckheimer’s new film, he took Cisco TelePresence EX90s behind the scenes to help with movie production. Armed with life-like, instantaneous video collaboration, Bruckheimer was able to review film dailies with editors and post-production staff in Los Angeles-- while he was on-set in New Mexico.

Once location shooting had wrapped, several more units were deployed to post-production teams around the globe to collaborate over visual content and begin assembling what will be the final film, released in June 2013.

While telepresence took a leading role in this story -- infrastructure and networking gear play a major supporting role in the film business. The amount of data that passes hands when making a Hollywood film compares to your own data the way Niagara Falls would compare to your faucet. In the move from analog to digital, IT and AV now are central to Hollywood operation.

While Telepresence may have debuted in the boardroom, it’s clear to see that its uses don’t always follow the same script.

Go Read about Cisco & Jerry Bruckheimer’s Collaboration

Watch The Video of Cisco & Jerry Bruckheimer’s Collaboration