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Emerging Gap in Large Conference Calls & Webcast Event Solutions

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Wainhouse Report

Wainhouse Research releases a research report, Navigating the Emerging Gap in Large Conference Calls & Webcast Event Solutions, sponsored by Cinchcast, provider of cloud-based solutions for enterprise conference calls and webcasts.

Large conference calls and webcasts are used by companies of all sizes. As adoption continues to increase, the report suggests a large gap has emerged in price/features/functionality between traditional, full-service, operator-assisted event services and DIY self-service alternatives.

Wainhouse Research conducted an online survey of more than 150 large conference call and web event producers. The research report summarizes the state of event solutions, discusses user preferences based on survey data, and reveals why this gap is forming and the solutions that are emerging to fill the gap. The report also offers Wainhouse Research's criteria for success that enterprises can use to reevaluate their event solution providers.

"The $7 billion conference calling and webcasting market is a fast growing market that is undergoing its largest transformation in 15 years," says Marc Beattie, report co-author and Senior Analyst at Wainhouse Research

Key study findings:

  • 90% of the respondents using full-service solutions indicate that having one provider to deal with is highly valued.
  • A majority of event producers employ a mix of full-service and self-service solutions; yet seek to minimize hassles by having one provider to deal with.
  • Event producers are experiencing challenges with existing solutions. The following pain points rank as either a major or medium issue: streaming audio performance, timeliness of event reports and archives, overbooking capacity, problems with downloads, inaccuracies in the participant list or collected data, and the requirement to book events too far in advance.
  • Event producers who use full-service solutions for a portion of their events are very interested in a self-managing parts of the events process.
  • Features that help streamline the process of getting participants into the event score highly.
  • The need to manage cost-related items including straight-forward pricing and avoiding charges for unused services resonated with the survey respondents.

Alan Levy, CEO of Cinchcast says, "The value of conference calls and webcasts has become well-proven and widespread adoption continues to grow but not without any challenges. The market for large-scale events like investor relations, analyst calls, marketing events, training and eLearning has been led by a handful of service providers. The result, high prices and little-to-no innovation."

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